Provide a template for stakeholder participation in the selection of school principals in khorasan razavi based on grounded theory

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 PhD student in Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

2 Professor of All Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


The main purpose of the research was to design a model for stakeholder participation in the selection of school administrators in education. This qualitative research was conducted using the GT. Participants in this research are among the directors, specialists and academic elites of the university and Also, the experts of Khorasan education were selected; The data were collected using theoretical sampling method and performed 19 structured interviews, face-to-face and deep interviews. the categories derived from the open coding process are presented and then the components of the axial coding process include the causal conditions, the underlying phenomena, strategies, context, intervention conditions , and outcomes, depending on the categories under the set itself and ultimately link to the selective coding and the evolution of the story of the promotion and appointment of managers in education was drawn. The researcher chose a core topic as "stakeholder participation in the choice of manager" and put it at the center of the process of selecting and appointing education directors it then linked other categories, including causal conditions, strategies, underlying conditions, and interventions, and outcomes. The results of the research showed that the main phenomenon of the study process, "stakeholder participation in the choice of manager", consists of two main concepts, one of which is "the choice of the manager rather than the appointment" and "stakeholder participation in the process of selecting the manager". Most contributors consider this to be the beginning of a change in education.


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