Representation of School administration by Narrative Research of The Internship Experiences in Schools

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 MA of Educational Administration, University of Kurdistan,sanandaj,iran.

2 MA of Educational Administration, University of Kurdistan.sanandaj,iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, University of Kurdistan , Sanandaj, Iran.


the professional training of student teachers at Farhangian University is of great importance; and one of the essential guides in this regard is their school internship experience. The purpose of this study was narrative research with the aim of analyzing and representing different aspects of student experience in school students with an interpretive approach. Episodic interviews were used to collect data. Research potential contributors were people who had completed their undergraduate degrees at Kurdistan University of Culture and had at least one semester of internship experience in schools. Purposeful sampling was done. After interviewing 30 people, the data were inductively classified and analyzed based on thematic analysis using Nvivo10 software. The analysis showed that the internship experience in schools resulted in the development of teaching and classroom skills for students. Narratives have shown that student teachers can develop professional and communication skills by utilizing their school internship experience; these include the communication and collaboration of students, teachers, teachers and administrators in school activities, as well as individual and independent learning and teaching activities during school internships. The experience of internships in schools as a bridge between university and school led to the application of knowledge in the field of practice to students. The findings recommend that, given the importance and impact of school internships for students, teachers should be given more detailed curriculum planning to prepare students for this process by the Ministry of Education and the decision making process. Engage and guide this process by people who are already trained and skilled in the field.

the professional training of student teachers at Farhangian University is of great importance; and one of the essential guides in this regard is their school internship experience. The purpose of this study was narrative research with the aim of analyzing and representing different aspects of student experience in school students with an interpretive approach. Episodic interviews were used to collect data. Research potential contributors were people who had completed their undergraduate degrees at Kurdistan University of Culture and had at least one semester of internship experience in schools. Purposeful sampling was done. After interviewing 30 people, the data were inductively classified and analyzed based on thematic analysis using Nvivo10 software. The analysis showed that the internship experience in schools resulted in the development of teaching and classroom skills for students. Narratives have shown that student teachers can develop professional and communication skills by utilizing their school internship experience; these include the communication and collaboration of students, teachers, teachers and administrators in school activities, as well as individual and independent learning and teaching activities during school internships. The experience of internships in schools as a bridge between university and school led to the application of knowledge in the field of practice to students. The findings recommend that, given the importance and impact of school internships for students, teachers should be given more detailed curriculum planning to prepare students for this process by the Ministry of Education and the decision making process. Engage and guide this process by people who are already trained and skilled in the field.

the professional training of student teachers at Farhangian University is of great importance; and one of the essential guides in this regard is their school internship experience. The purpose of this study was narrative research with the aim of analyzing and representing different aspects of student experience in school students with an interpretive approach. Episodic interviews were used to collect data. Research potential contributors were people who had completed their undergraduate degrees at Kurdistan University of Culture and had at least one semester of internship experience in schools. Purposeful sampling was done. After interviewing 30 people, the data were inductively classified and analyzed based on thematic analysis using Nvivo10 software. The analysis showed that the internship experience in schools resulted in the development of teaching and classroom skills for students. Narratives have shown that student teachers can develop professional and communication skills by utilizing their school internship experience; these include the communication and collaboration of students, teachers, teachers and administrators in school activities, as well as individual and independent learning and teaching activities during school internships. The experience of internships in schools as a bridge between university and school led to the application of knowledge in the field of practice to students. The findings recommend that, given the importance and impact of school internships for students, teachers should be given more detailed curriculum planning to prepare students for this process by the Ministry of Education and the decision making process. Engage and guide this process by people who are already trained and skilled in the field.

the professional training of student teachers at Farhangian University is of great importance; and one of the essential guides in this regard is their school internship experience. The purpose of this study was narrative research with the aim of analyzing and representing different aspects of student experience in school students with an interpretive approach. Episodic interviews were used to collect data. Research potential contributors were people who had completed their undergraduate degrees at Kurdistan University of Culture and had at least one semester of internship experience in schools. Purposeful sampling was done. After interviewing 30 people, the data were inductively classified and analyzed based on thematic analysis using Nvivo10 software. The analysis showed that the internship experience in schools resulted in the development of teaching and classroom skills for students. Narratives have shown that student teachers can develop professional and communication skills by utilizing their school internship experience; these include the communication and collaboration of students, teachers, teachers and administrators in school activities, as well as individual and independent learning and teaching activities during school internships. The experience of internships in schools as a bridge between university and school led to the application of knowledge in the field of practice to students. The findings recommend that, given the importance and impact of school internships for students, teachers should be given more detailed curriculum planning to prepare students for this process by the Ministry of Education and the decision making process. Engage and guide this process by people who are already trained and skilled in the field.


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