Factors Affecting the Professional Development of School Managers at 1404 Horizons

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


1 PhD student in Educational Management, Department of Educational Management, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran

2 Educational Administration Department, Associate Professor, Garmsar Branch, Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.



The purpose of this research was to identify the factors affecting the professional development of school administrators in the horizons of the vision document of 1404. The research approach, qualitative and method of the theory of data have been considered. The statistical population is the experts in the field of educational management. Purposeful sampling was used to determine the samples of this research and to determine the group of experts. Targeted sampling means the targeted selection of research units for acquiring knowledge or information, and includes the selection of units or research samples based on the purpose of the research. In this research, based on theoretical foundations and background of the research, and using a semi-structured interview with 24 specialists and experts in the field of educational management and middle managers and senior managers of the Ministry of Education with a Ph.D. degree and a master's degree in educational management The semi-structured interview was conducted. As a result, the indicators extracted from the analysis of the interviews were confirmed, according to the theoretical adequacy of the data and the researcher's theoretical saturation. By analyzing the content of the interviews in three stages: Open, Focused and Selective Coding, Factors Affecting the Professional Development of School Managers in the Horizon of the Outlook 1404, in eight main categories; Technology, Religious, Cultural, Individual, and Social,Economic,politicaland organizational.
Management in the education system is very important. So, if there is to be an evolution in the education system, this change should start from the management of the system. The role of the director as an educational leader should be such that, with a view to the future, which is one of the strategic needs, the educational institution can help at least one step in advancing its goals. The educational system of Iran needs to change in order to realize the transcendental ideals of the Islamic Revolution and with regard to the changing environment of the future. As the Supreme Leader has said, we need to change in education and education. Therefore, managers who have the right to decide in a futuristic educational system and provide innovative solutions must have the skills needed to carry out their duties and functions (Darwishi etal., 2014). Improving the skills of educational managers improves their potential in solving managerial and educational problems and increases the confidence level of their decisions (Sharma and Jane 2013). In a world where the unbridled pace of scientific and technological developments in various fields has made planning for the future a necessary, yet highly complex, expertise, planners and planners of educational systems are no alternative but to speculate on future developments. And they will not be looking for ways to adapt and adapt to them. On the other hand, the document on the fundamental development of education, based on the vision document and based on Iran's horizons in 1404, has increasingly focused on the future of schools. If we talk about schools at 1404 and future schools, we should determine the status and the location of schools and the way in which they are managed, and in order to achieve this goal, prospective approaches and the 1404 vision document and the educational status of society are examined. (Lotfi and etal.,1390). One of the most important upstream documents and guidelines for public sector policies and programs is the vision document. Based on this strategic document, on the horizon of 1404 AH, Iran will be the country with the first position of economic, scientific and technology in the region, with Islamic and revolutionary identity, to be inspirational in the Muslim world and with constructive and effective interaction in international relations.. Government executives must take decisions that are necessary to achieve the goals and status defined in the vision document, and for this purpose it is necessary to have the competencies required to function effectively along these lines (Rahnavard, 2011).
Based on this perspective, the school is a manifestation of the achievement of the Tibetan life, the center for the provision of services and educational opportunities, the basis for understanding and correcting the situation by students, and the continuous development and development of their identity based on the Islamic criteria system, within the framework of philosophy And the direction of the public education system of the Islamic Republic of Iran with features such as self-esteem, responsibility, self-esteem, trust, self-confidence, efficiency, entrepreneurship, avoidance of longevity and dependence on the world, empathy, respect, trust, timeliness, Order, Seriousness, Sacrifice, Lawmaking, Criticism and Innovation,
Appreciation,Defending the Disadvantaged and Oppressed The values of the Islamic Revolation(The Transitional Document, 2011).
Developing and recreating the role of leadership in schools with knowledge, skills, and optimal matching with new situations in the educational system seems necessary. In many countries, increasing attention is paid to the role of school principals in the face of changes in the 21st century (Brakman, 2008). The professional development of school principals is the basis for the development of education, because leadership in schools has a direct impact on learners and plays an essential role in developing student learning quality and leads educational leaders in the face of change The environment is more efficient (Keeney, 2008).
All these issues and responsibilities have greatly increased the pressure on school principals. That's why many researchers, policymakers and educational organizations are working to find a solution to this problem. In this regard, today focus is on the professional development of school principals, as a key component of these strategies and educational reforms. Therefore, the researcher intends to identify and present the factors affecting the professional development of school administrators in the 1404 and answer the following questions:
1. What are the factors influencing the professional development of school managers at 1404 horizons?
2. How are the factors influencing the professional development of school managers at 1404 horizons?
Therefore, the main objectives of the research include:
1. Identification of factors affecting the professional development of school administrators at 1404 horizons.
2. Prioritizing factors affecting the professional development of school administrators at 1404 horizons.


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