The Relationship Between Active Work Behaviors, Transformational Leadership Style, and work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Innovation Culture

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


1 Phd Student Department of education, urmia branch, islamic azad university, urmia.iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of education, urmia branch, islamic azad university, urmia.iran



Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between active work behaviors, transformational leadership style, and work engagement of vocational school teachers with the mediating role of innovation culture using Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). Methods & Materials: This research is applied and correlational. The study population consisted of teachers of vocational school in Urmia city during the academic year 2021-2022, totaling 309 individuals. A sample of 200 teachers was selected using stratified random sampling and Cochran's formula. The data were collected using the Zopiatis et al. work engagement questionnaire (2014), Tornau and Ferse's active work behaviors scale (2013), Bass and Avolio's transformational leadership style scale (1995) and Dobni's innovation culture scale (2008). The validity and reliability of the instruments were confirmed. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data using SPSS and AMOS24 software. Results: In this study, a model of relevant variables affecting work engagement was examined. The findings showed that innovation culture and active job behaviors have a direct, positive, and significant effect on work engagement. The direct effect of active job behaviors, transformational leadership style on innovation culture is positive and significant. Moreover, the mediating roles of innovation culture on work engagement were confirmed. Active job behaviors, transformational leadership style, affect work engagement through the mediating variable of positive and meaningful innovation culture. Conclusions:The findings highlighted the importance and role of active job behaviors and transformational leadership style in increasing work engagement of vocational school’s teachers  through innovation culture


Main Subjects

Aboramadan, M., & Dahleez, K. A. (2020). Leadership styles and employees’ work outcomes in nonprofit organizations: the role of work engagement. Journal of Management Development, 39(7/8), 869-893.
Al Mehrzi, N., & Singh, S.K. (2016). Competing through employee engagement: a proposed framework, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 65(6), 831-843.  [DOI:10.1108/IJPPM-02-2016-0037].
Alami, F., Hosseini, S.M., & Hosseini, R., (2022). Investigating the Role of Schools Principals’ Entrepreneurial
Alrowwad, A. A., Abualoush, S. H., & Masa'deh, R. E. (2020). Innovation and intellectual capital as intermediary variables among transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and organizational performance. Journal of Management Development, 39(2), 196-222.
Attitude on Their Job Performance (Case study: Schools of Damavand County). School Administration, 9(4), 80-92
Avolio, B. J. (1999). Full leadership development: Building the vital forces in organizations. Sage.
Avolio, B. J., & Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Group Publishing.
Bakker, A., & Oerlemans, W. (2012). “Subjective well-being in organizations,” in The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship, eds K. S. Cameron and G. M. Spreitzer (New York, NY: Oxford University Press), 178–189.
Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership.
Chenani, R., Naami, A., Arshadi, N., & Hashemi Sheikh Shabani, S. E. (2017). Designing and testing a model of some personality and organizational antecedents of proactive behaviors with mediating role of motivational states National Iranian Drilling Company. Career and Organizational Counseling, 9(32), 9-31.
Dai, K., & Wang, Y. (2023). Investigating the interplay of Chinese EFL teachers’ proactive personality, flow, and work engagement. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-15.
Deci, E., Ryan, R. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry. 11, 227–268. [Doi: 10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_01].
Demerouti, E., & Cropanzano, R. (2010). From thought to action: Employee work engagement and job performance. In A. B. Bakker (Ed.) & M. P. Leiter, Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and research (pp. 147–163). Psychology Press
Dobni, C. B. (2008). Measuring innovation culture in organizations: The development of a generalized innovation culture construct using exploratory factor analysis. European journal of innovation management, 11(4), 539-559.
Edelbroek, R., Peters, P., & Blomme, R. J. (2019). Engaging in open innovation: The mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and the quality of the open innovation process as perceived by employees. Journal of General Management, 45(1), 5-17.
Frese, M., & Fay, D. (2001). Personal initiative: An active performance concept for work in the 21st century. Res Organ Behav. 23:133-87. [DOI:10.1016/S0191-3085(01)23005-6].
Fuller Jr, B., & Marler, L. E. (2009). Change driven by nature: A meta-analytic review of the proactive personality literature. Journal of vocational behavior, 75(3), 329-345.
Gad David, K., Yang, W., Pei, C., & Moosa, A. (2023). Effect of transformational leadership on open innovation through innovation culture: exploring the moderating role of absorptive capacity. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 35(5), 613-628.
Gomes, C., Curral, L., & Caetano, A. (2015). The mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between self-leadership and individual innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(01), 1550009.
Greenier, V., Derakhshan, A., & Fathi, J. (2021). Emotion regulation and psychological well-being in teacher work engagement: A case of British and Iranian English language teachers.
Hansen, J. A., & Pihl-Thingvad, S. (2019). Managing employee innovative behaviour through transformational and transactional leadership styles. Public Management Review, 21(6), 918-944.
Harsha N. P., Vosicka, L., Granziera, H., & McIlveen, P. (2018). Towards an integrative perspective on the structure of teacher work engagement. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 108, 28-41. [DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2018.05.006].
Hayati, D., Charkhabi, M., & Naami, A. (2014). The relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement in governmental hospitals nurses: a survey study. Springerplus, 3(1), 1-7.
Huang, J. (2017). The relationship between employee psychological empowerment and proactive behavior: Self-efficacy as mediator. Social Behavior and Personality, 45(7), 1157–1166. [DOI:10.2224/sbp.6609].
Hui, L. Qun, W., Nazir, S., Mengyu, Z., Asadullah, M. A., & Khadim, S. (2020). Organizational identification perceptions and millennials' creativity: testing the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of work values. European Journal of Innovation Management. [DOI:10.1108/EJIM-04-2020-0165].
Jangsiriwattana, T. (2019). The relationship between transformational and transactional leadership: Employee perceptions of organizational performance and work engagement. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 25(3), 1-10.
Jin, J., & Rounds, J. (2012). Stability and change in work values: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(2), 326-339.
Kim, J. G., & Lee, S. Y. (2011). Effects of transformational and transactional leadership on employees' creative behaviour: mediating effects of work motivation and job satisfaction. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 19(2), 233-247.
Kim, M., Kim, A. C. H., Newman, J. I., Ferris, G. R., & Perrewé, P. L. (2019). The antecedents and consequences of positive organizational behavior: The role of psychological capital for promoting employee well-being in sport organizations. Sport Management Review, 22(1), 108–125. [DOI:10.1016/j.smr.2018.04.003].
Kim, W., Jeoung Han, S., & Park, J. (2019). Is the Role of Work Engagement Essential to Employee Performance or ‘Nice to Have?. Sustainability, 11(4). [DOI:10.3390/su11041050].
Kong, Y., & Li, M. (2018). Proactive personality and innovative behavior: the mediating roles of job-related affect and work engagement. Social Behavior and Personality, 46(3), 431–446. [DOI:10.2224/sbp.6618].
Kovjanic, S., Schuh, S. C., Jonas, K., Quaquebeke, N. V., & Van Dick, R. (2012). How do transformational leaders foster positive employee outcomes? A self‐determination‐based analysis of employees' needs as mediating links. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(8), 1031-1052.
Lai, F. Y., Tang, H. C., Lu, S. C., Lee, Y. C., & Lin, C. C. (2020). Transformational leadership and job performance: The mediating role of work engagement. Sage Open, 10(1), 2158244019899085.
Li, H., Qun, W., Nazir, S., Mengyu, Z., Asadullah, M., & Khadim, S. (2020). Organizational identification perceptions and millennials creativity: testing the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of work values. european journal of innovation management. [DOI 10.1108/EJIM-04-2020-0165].
Manning, J. M. (2016). The Influence of Nurse Manager Leadership Style Factors on the Perception of Staff nurse Structural Empowerment, Work Engagement, and Intent to Stay (Doctoral dissertation). Available from PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA.
Mehrad, A., Fernández-Castro, J., Pau González, P., & Olmedo, G. (2020). A systematic review of leadership styles, work engagement and organizational support. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science . 9(4):66-77. [DOI:10.20525/ijrbs.v9i4.735].
Michael S., ChristianAdela S., GarzaJerel E., & Slaughter. (2011). Work Engagement: A Quantitative Review And Test Of Its Relations With Task And Contextual Performance.
Nurjaman, K., Marta, M. S., Eliyana, A., Kurniasari, D., & Kurniasari, D. (2019). Proactive work behavior and innovative work behavior: Moderating effect of job characteristics. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(6), 373-379.
Role of Work Engagement. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3), 113-12.
Ryan, R., & Deci, E. (2009). Promoting self-determined school engagement: Motivation, learning, and well-being. In K. Wentzel, & A. Wigfield (Eds.). Handbook of motivation at school New York: Routledge. 171–195.
Saba S. R., Najma I. M., & Rana Y. H. (2016).  Leadership Styles as Predictors of Job Involvement in Teachers. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. 31(1), 161-182.
Salanova, M., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2008). A cross-national study of work engagement as a mediator between job resources and proactive behaviour. The international journal of human resource management, 19(1), 116-131.
Sattayaraksa, T., & Boon-itt, S. (2016). CEO transformational leadership and the new product development process: The mediating roles of organizational learning and innovation culture. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(6), 730-749.
Schaufeli, W. B. (2017). Applying the job demands-resources model: A “how to” guide to measuring and tackling work engagement and burnout. Organizational Dynamics, 46, 120–132.
Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., González-Romá, V., & Bakker, A. B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burnout: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach. Journal of Happiness studies, 3, 71-92.
Schmitt, A., Den Hartog, D. N., & Belschak, F. D. (2016). Transformational leadership and proactive work behaviour: A moderated mediation model including work engagement and job strain. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 89(3), 588-610.
Segarra-Ciprés, M., Escrig-Tena, A., & García-Juan, B. (2019).  Employees’ Proactive Behavior And Innovation Performance: Examining The Moderating Role Of Informal And Formal CONTROLS, European Journal of Innovation Management. 22(5):866-888. [DOI:10.1108/EJIM-02-2019-0041].
Soetantyo, T. I., & Ardiyanti, N. (2018). Innovative behavior, learning organization, and the mediating role of work engagement in it sector. Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR), 1-12.
Xiong, L., & King, C. (2019). Aligning employees’ attitudes and behavior with hospitality
brands: The role of employee brand internalization. Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism Management
, 40, 67–76. [DOI:10.1016/j.jhtm.2019.06.006].
Yongxing, G., Hongfei, D., Baoguo, X., & Lei, M. (2017). Work engagement and job performance: The moderating role of perceived organizational support. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Murcia (Spain), 33, 708-713.[ DOI:10.6018/analesps.33.3.238571]
Zahoor, A. (2018). Teacher proactivity influencing student satisfaction and loyalty role of job crafting and work engagement. Vikalpa, 43(3), 125-138.
Zhang, X., & Zhou, K. (2019), Close relationship with the supervisor may impede employee creativity by suppressing vertical task conflict. R&D Management, 49(5), 789-802. [Doi: 10.1111/radm.12375].
Aboramadan, M., & Dahleez, K. A. (2020). Leadership styles and employees’ work outcomes in nonprofit organizations: the role of work engagement. Journal of Management Development, 39(7/8), 869-893.
Al Mehrzi, N., & Singh, S.K. (2016). Competing through employee engagement: a proposed framework, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 65(6), 831-843.  [DOI:10.1108/IJPPM-02-2016-0037].
Alami, F., Hosseini, S.M., & Hosseini, R., (2022). Investigating the Role of Schools Principals’ Entrepreneurial
Alrowwad, A. A., Abualoush, S. H., & Masa'deh, R. E. (2020). Innovation and intellectual capital as intermediary variables among transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and organizational performance. Journal of Management Development, 39(2), 196-222.
Attitude on Their Job Performance (Case study: Schools of Damavand County). School Administration, 9(4), 80-92
Avolio, B. J. (1999). Full leadership development: Building the vital forces in organizations. Sage.
Avolio, B. J., & Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Group Publishing.
Bakker, A., & Oerlemans, W. (2012). “Subjective well-being in organizations,” in The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship, eds K. S. Cameron and G. M. Spreitzer (New York, NY: Oxford University Press), 178–189.
Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership.
Chenani, R., Naami, A., Arshadi, N., & Hashemi Sheikh Shabani, S. E. (2017). Designing and testing a model of some personality and organizational antecedents of proactive behaviors with mediating role of motivational states National Iranian Drilling Company. Career and Organizational Counseling, 9(32), 9-31.
Dai, K., & Wang, Y. (2023). Investigating the interplay of Chinese EFL teachers’ proactive personality, flow, and work engagement. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-15.
Deci, E., Ryan, R. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry. 11, 227–268. [Doi: 10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_01].
Demerouti, E., & Cropanzano, R. (2010). From thought to action: Employee work engagement and job performance. In A. B. Bakker (Ed.) & M. P. Leiter, Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and research (pp. 147–163). Psychology Press
Dobni, C. B. (2008). Measuring innovation culture in organizations: The development of a generalized innovation culture construct using exploratory factor analysis. European journal of innovation management, 11(4), 539-559.
Edelbroek, R., Peters, P., & Blomme, R. J. (2019). Engaging in open innovation: The mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and the quality of the open innovation process as perceived by employees. Journal of General Management, 45(1), 5-17.
Frese, M., & Fay, D. (2001). Personal initiative: An active performance concept for work in the 21st century. Res Organ Behav. 23:133-87. [DOI:10.1016/S0191-3085(01)23005-6].
Fuller Jr, B., & Marler, L. E. (2009). Change driven by nature: A meta-analytic review of the proactive personality literature. Journal of vocational behavior, 75(3), 329-345.
Gad David, K., Yang, W., Pei, C., & Moosa, A. (2023). Effect of transformational leadership on open innovation through innovation culture: exploring the moderating role of absorptive capacity. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 35(5), 613-628.
Gomes, C., Curral, L., & Caetano, A. (2015). The mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between self-leadership and individual innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(01), 1550009.
Greenier, V., Derakhshan, A., & Fathi, J. (2021). Emotion regulation and psychological well-being in teacher work engagement: A case of British and Iranian English language teachers.
Hansen, J. A., & Pihl-Thingvad, S. (2019). Managing employee innovative behaviour through transformational and transactional leadership styles. Public Management Review, 21(6), 918-944.
Harsha N. P., Vosicka, L., Granziera, H., & McIlveen, P. (2018). Towards an integrative perspective on the structure of teacher work engagement. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 108, 28-41. [DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2018.05.006].
Hayati, D., Charkhabi, M., & Naami, A. (2014). The relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement in governmental hospitals nurses: a survey study. Springerplus, 3(1), 1-7.
Huang, J. (2017). The relationship between employee psychological empowerment and proactive behavior: Self-efficacy as mediator. Social Behavior and Personality, 45(7), 1157–1166. [DOI:10.2224/sbp.6609].
Hui, L. Qun, W., Nazir, S., Mengyu, Z., Asadullah, M. A., & Khadim, S. (2020). Organizational identification perceptions and millennials' creativity: testing the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of work values. European Journal of Innovation Management. [DOI:10.1108/EJIM-04-2020-0165].
Jangsiriwattana, T. (2019). The relationship between transformational and transactional leadership: Employee perceptions of organizational performance and work engagement. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 25(3), 1-10.
Jin, J., & Rounds, J. (2012). Stability and change in work values: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(2), 326-339.
Kim, J. G., & Lee, S. Y. (2011). Effects of transformational and transactional leadership on employees' creative behaviour: mediating effects of work motivation and job satisfaction. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 19(2), 233-247.
Kim, M., Kim, A. C. H., Newman, J. I., Ferris, G. R., & Perrewé, P. L. (2019). The antecedents and consequences of positive organizational behavior: The role of psychological capital for promoting employee well-being in sport organizations. Sport Management Review, 22(1), 108–125. [DOI:10.1016/j.smr.2018.04.003].
Kim, W., Jeoung Han, S., & Park, J. (2019). Is the Role of Work Engagement Essential to Employee Performance or ‘Nice to Have?. Sustainability, 11(4). [DOI:10.3390/su11041050].
Kong, Y., & Li, M. (2018). Proactive personality and innovative behavior: the mediating roles of job-related affect and work engagement. Social Behavior and Personality, 46(3), 431–446. [DOI:10.2224/sbp.6618].
Kovjanic, S., Schuh, S. C., Jonas, K., Quaquebeke, N. V., & Van Dick, R. (2012). How do transformational leaders foster positive employee outcomes? A self‐determination‐based analysis of employees' needs as mediating links. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(8), 1031-1052.
Lai, F. Y., Tang, H. C., Lu, S. C., Lee, Y. C., & Lin, C. C. (2020). Transformational leadership and job performance: The mediating role of work engagement. Sage Open, 10(1), 2158244019899085.
Li, H., Qun, W., Nazir, S., Mengyu, Z., Asadullah, M., & Khadim, S. (2020). Organizational identification perceptions and millennials creativity: testing the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of work values. european journal of innovation management. [DOI 10.1108/EJIM-04-2020-0165].
Manning, J. M. (2016). The Influence of Nurse Manager Leadership Style Factors on the Perception of Staff nurse Structural Empowerment, Work Engagement, and Intent to Stay (Doctoral dissertation). Available from PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA.
Mehrad, A., Fernández-Castro, J., Pau González, P., & Olmedo, G. (2020). A systematic review of leadership styles, work engagement and organizational support. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science . 9(4):66-77. [DOI:10.20525/ijrbs.v9i4.735].
Michael S., ChristianAdela S., GarzaJerel E., & Slaughter. (2011). Work Engagement: A Quantitative Review And Test Of Its Relations With Task And Contextual Performance.
Nurjaman, K., Marta, M. S., Eliyana, A., Kurniasari, D., & Kurniasari, D. (2019). Proactive work behavior and innovative work behavior: Moderating effect of job characteristics. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(6), 373-379.
Role of Work Engagement. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3), 113-12.
Ryan, R., & Deci, E. (2009). Promoting self-determined school engagement: Motivation, learning, and well-being. In K. Wentzel, & A. Wigfield (Eds.). Handbook of motivation at school New York: Routledge. 171–195.
Saba S. R., Najma I. M., & Rana Y. H. (2016).  Leadership Styles as Predictors of Job Involvement in Teachers. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. 31(1), 161-182.
Salanova, M., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2008). A cross-national study of work engagement as a mediator between job resources and proactive behaviour. The international journal of human resource management, 19(1), 116-131.
Sattayaraksa, T., & Boon-itt, S. (2016). CEO transformational leadership and the new product development process: The mediating roles of organizational learning and innovation culture. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(6), 730-749.
Schaufeli, W. B. (2017). Applying the job demands-resources model: A “how to” guide to measuring and tackling work engagement and burnout. Organizational Dynamics, 46, 120–132.
Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., González-Romá, V., & Bakker, A. B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burnout: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach. Journal of Happiness studies, 3, 71-92.
Schmitt, A., Den Hartog, D. N., & Belschak, F. D. (2016). Transformational leadership and proactive work behaviour: A moderated mediation model including work engagement and job strain. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 89(3), 588-610.
Segarra-Ciprés, M., Escrig-Tena, A., & García-Juan, B. (2019).  Employees’ Proactive Behavior And Innovation Performance: Examining The Moderating Role Of Informal And Formal CONTROLS, European Journal of Innovation Management. 22(5):866-888. [DOI:10.1108/EJIM-02-2019-0041].
Soetantyo, T. I., & Ardiyanti, N. (2018). Innovative behavior, learning organization, and the mediating role of work engagement in it sector. Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR), 1-12.
Xiong, L., & King, C. (2019). Aligning employees’ attitudes and behavior with hospitality
brands: The role of employee brand internalization. Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism Management
, 40, 67–76. [DOI:10.1016/j.jhtm.2019.06.006].
Yongxing, G., Hongfei, D., Baoguo, X., & Lei, M. (2017). Work engagement and job performance: The moderating role of perceived organizational support. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Murcia (Spain), 33, 708-713.[ DOI:10.6018/analesps.33.3.238571]
Zahoor, A. (2018). Teacher proactivity influencing student satisfaction and loyalty role of job crafting and work engagement. Vikalpa, 43(3), 125-138.
Zhang, X., & Zhou, K. (2019), Close relationship with the supervisor may impede employee creativity by suppressing vertical task conflict. R&D Management, 49(5), 789-802. [Doi: 10.1111/radm.12375].