Analysis of Teachers' Perception of The Concept of Teaching To Transgress In Secondary Schools

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Univesity of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



Subsequently, teachers' perceptions of the concept of "Teaching to Transgress" in secondary schools were analyzed. The qualitative research approach and in particular the Phenomenographical strategy was used. The research field was secondary school teachers (government, normal, gifted, exemplary and non-selective) in Sanandaj city. Therefore, teachers of several secondary schools in the city were included as research participants. The sampling was done purposively. Finally, to achieve maximum diversity and to reach the category of theoretical data saturation with 16 teachers, the charter of semi-structured interviews and sending written questions to the teachers and their responses in the form of texts were continued. The method of data analysis was also carried out using the three-stage method of thematic analysis (open, central and selective).  The results of the study show that the components of transgression teaching in secondary schools are as follows engaging class, progressive teaching, teaching full of amazement, transformational education, valuing desire, enthusiasm in learning, changing the name and position of teachers, developing Students' sense of agency and creation with peers is learning. Also, the challenges teaching to Transgress included the violation of school arrangements, the academic decline of teachers and the school, and the deprivation of school management support. Finally, the consequences teaching to Transgress for schools include improving the status of knowledge based on new perspectives, revolution in educational culture, creating a diverse educational context, strengthening the relationship of teachers with marginalized and oppressed communities, the emergence of independent thinking and analysis, and evolution in evaluation and valuation.


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