The Relational Role Of Health Safety Management And Teacher Burnout With The Mediating Variable Of Resilience

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member, Department of psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran,



Health and safety management improves the mental and emotional balance of teachers. Professional burnout is a major problem that many physical education teachers face. This feeling often leads to negative pedagogical results, which in turn leads to teacher fatigue. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between health and safety management and physical education teacher burnout, relying on the mediating role of resilience. This study is a descriptive survey. The research community consisted of physical education teachers of West Azarbaijan province in the academic year 2022-03, and 200 of them were selected according to the available sampling method. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling method. SPSS 23 and SMART PLS 3 were used to investigate the research purpose and analyze the data. The results obtained show that the measurement and structural models are appropriate. The research results show that safety management has a negative and significant influence on physical education teachers' burnout, as well as resilience on burnout, but the research results show a positive influence of safety management on physical education teachers' resilience. The more the school administration focuses on health and safety aspects


Main Subjects