Determinants of Cyber Victimization among high School Students

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


1 Counseling Department, Humanities & Social Science Faculty, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Counseling Department, Humanities & Social Science Faculty, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



The purpose of this study was to predict cyber victimization based on personality traits, primary maladaptive schemas, and parenting styles among high school students. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 240 male and female students of the high school in the academic year of 2021-2022 were selected using available sampling method. To collect data, the Cyber-bullying/Victimization Experiences Questionnaire (CBVEQ, 2016), The Big Five Questionnaire for Children (BFQ-C, 2017), The Schema Inventory for Children (SIC, 2010) and the Parenting Style Index-2 (PSI-II, 1997) were used online. The data were analyzed with SPSS software using statistical techniques such as Pearson’s correlation test and multivariate regression analysis. The findings indicated that two factors of personality traits (emotional instability; β= 0.328 and extroversion; β= -0.253), early maladaptive schemas (β= 0.237) and parenting styles (demandingness; β= 0.318 and autonomy granting; β= -0.193) can predict cyber victimization in students. In addition, the findings related to the interaction effect of the predictor variables showed that the interaction between personality traits, early maladaptive schemas and parenting styles (R2= 0.551; P<0.01) is a stronger predictor for cyber victimization in students than each of these variables alone. The findings of this study revealed that emotional instability, maladaptive schemas, and demandingness parenting styles play a very significant role in predicting cyber victimization among high school students. The findings of the present study have some psycho-educational implications that have been discussed.


Main Subjects

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