Investigating The Effect of Principals’ Good Character on Secondary Schools Teachers’ Self-Efficacy with Mediating Role of Coaching Leadership Style

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


Educational Sciences, Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran



The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of the good character of principals on the self-efficacy of teachers with the role of coaching leadership as a mediator. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method of structural equations. The statistical population of the research consisted of 234 teachers of the first secondary schools of Durood city, and the sample size was 145 by referring to the Karjeci and Morgan (1970) table and was selected by the stratified relative sampling method. Data collection tools include teachers' self-efficacy questionnaire by Moran and Hoy (2001), good character of principals by Barker and Koi (2003) and leadership style by Bekan and Spear (2003). Convergent validity indices, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability were used to measure the validity and reliability of the instruments. The results of all the indices confirmed that the questionnaires have a favorable condition. The data were processed using SPSS26 and Smart PLS3 software. showed that the effect of good character on teachers' self-efficacy is significant, according to the standard coefficients of the path, the direct effect of good character on teachers' self-efficacy is 0.335, and its overall effect is equal to is 0.681. Coaching leadership directly explains teachers' self-efficacy to the extent of 0.378 (37.8%). The good character of principals today as a strategy can strengthen the sense of self-efficacy and improve teachers' performance through coaching leadership, which ultimately improves the academic and moral level of students.


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