A Model of Professional Learning Communities of Elementary School Principals Using the Grounded Theory Approach

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Department of Educational Management and Human Resource Development, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Department of Educational Management and Human Resource Development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



Despite the importance of continuous professional development for schools principals, researches show that their professional development approaches need to be review and move towards programs based on collective learning. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to provide a model for professional learning communities of elementary school principals. The present study was conducted using the qualitative research method of grounded theory and interviews with a targeted sample, including 29 key informants (15 university professors and 14 school principals) with relevant research records. The interviews were analyzed using the coding methods of Strauss and Corbin (1998). Four criteria of data authenticity, transferability, reliability and verifiability were used to check the validity of the data. After conducting interviews and open, axial and selective coding; The research results showed 18 general selection codes including causal conditions (collective learning culture; feeling the need for collective learning; leadership and management styles), contextual conditions (dynamic and flexible organizational structure; infrastructures and facilities; empathy and common goals; Encouraging principals towards learning communities), intervening conditions (teaching soft skills; suitable time and place for meetings related to communities; management knowledge; correct plan and program), central phenomenon (professional learning communities), Strategies for developing professional learning communities (suitable work space; professional learning; the existence of a supportive policy for learning communities; modeling of the experiences of successful schools) and consequences (organizational consequences; student success; professional development of teachers) that reflected the pattern of professional learning communities of primary school principals and the relationships between its different dimensions.


Main Subjects

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