Identifying Methods to Solve Teacher Shortages and Providing Professional Development of Teachers Needed for Education and Training

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 Department of Psychology Education and Counseling, Farhangian University, PO Box 889-14665 Tehran, Iran

2 Research lecturer of history education, Farhangian University, Alborz campus, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran.



The current research aimed to investigate and identify the methods of solving the shortage of teachers and the provision and professional development of teachers. The research method used was descriptive and qualitative content analysis. The statistical population included deputy heads of departments, principals and deputy heads of schools, and researchers in this field. Fourteen people were selected as a statistical sample by snowball sampling. A semi-structured interview method was used. Based on the research findings, five key codes, nine core codes, and 54 codes were identified. In the category of policies and interventions, respectively, revision of courses, removal of non-harmful subjects and titles by 13%; in the category of human resources, reduction of the number of support and administrative forces by 15%; in the category of community interaction and cooperation, upgrading the position of the teacher in society with 37.5% and in the category of recruitment strategies, hiring elite and efficient managers at all management levels with 23% and in the category of incentives and financial support for salary reform Teachers and coordinated payment system had the highest frequency with 20%. As a result, to solve the teacher shortage problem, attention should be paid to multidimensional solutions.


Main Subjects

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