Modeling The Structural Relationship between Work Engagement, Job Motivational Potential, and Type of Organizational Structure in Bashagard Schools

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of education & psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

2 PhD Student, Educational Administration, Department of education & psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


The aim of this research was to predict teachers work engagement based on organizational structure type with mediation role of job motivational potential in Bashagard schools. The research population included all teachers (322) of Bashagard schools.175 teachers selected as research sample by using simple random sampling method, filled the research scales and returned them. Research tools consisted of Torkzade and Mohtarams’ (2013) types of organizational structure,  Wagner’s (1996) job motivation potential scale, and Shaufeli and Bakkers’ (2003) work engagement scale which after estimating there reliability and validity were distributed and collected. The results showed that the enabling organizational structure with the mediating role of the job motivational potential is the positive significant predictor of the teachers work engagement. But, the hindering organizational structure does not predict the job motivational potential and teachers work engagement.Besides, in the opinion of the teachers, dominant structure type at Bashagard schools is hindering. Also, the job motivational potential and work engagement of the Bashagard's schools is at the moderate level. The results of this study will help educational system managers to  improving the enabling organizational structure in schools and as the result creating more motivational platforms among them, provide the basis for the development of teachers’ work engagement. As a result, improving the performance of schools at the macro level is raised.


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