The Effect of Knowledge-Based Leadership on The Innovative Educational Activities of Teachers with The Mediating Role of Making Schools Smart

Document Type : Quantitative Research Paper


Educational Sciences, Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran



The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of Knowledge-based Leadership on the innovative educational activities of first-secondary teachers in Durood City with the role of mediator in Making Schools Smart Plan.
This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method and structural equation modeling. The statistical population includes all the teachers of secondary schools of Dorud City and 135 of them were selected as a sample by stratified random sampling method. Data collection was done with Donit and DePablo's (2015) Knowledge-based Leadership questionnaires, Saatchi, Kamkari, and Askarian's (2010) innovative educational activities questionnaire, and Smartening Schools scale Jafari Hajti's (2015). Average Variance Extracted, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and composite reliability (CR) were used to measure the validity and reliability of the tools, and the results of all the indices confirmed that the questionnaires have a suitable and acceptable condition. The final analysis of the data using SPSS software and Smart PLS was done.
According to the standard coefficients of the path, the direct effect of knowledge-based leadership on innovative educational activities is 0.532; The amount of indirect effect is 0.270 and its overall effect is equal to 0.802. Also, the smartness of schools directly explains innovative educational activities by 0.428 (42.8%). Knowledge-based leadership is one of the effective leadership styles to strengthen innovative activities in organizations especially in schools. Smartening schools by strengthening learning-teaching processes and creating an interactive environment can facilitate innovative educational activities.


Main Subjects

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