Identifying the role of school principals in improving the job performance of rural school teachers in Mashhad

Document Type : Qualitative Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Administration and Human Resources Development, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,Mashhad,Iran

2 MA Of Educational Administration, Department of Educational Administration and Human Resources Development, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran



This research aimed to identify school principals' roles in improving rural teachers' job performance in Mashhad. The research design was qualitative, and the research method used was phenomenology. The potential participants of the present study were teachers of rural schools in Mashhad. With the purposeful sampling approach of the snowball-snowball type with the criterion technique, 15 rural school principals and teachers were selected to discover their perceptions and views on the role of principals in improving teachers' Performance. The selection of participants was based on theoretical saturation, and the tool used to collect information was a semi-structured interview. In this research, after conducting each interview, its implementation was carried out, and after reading the implemented texts, the data was analyzed based on open and axial coding steps. After data analysis, 93 concepts and 7 categories were extracted. The findings of the research showed that some of the roles of school administrators in improving the job performance of rural school teachers in Mashhad, such as communication role, empowerment role, support role, management role, cultural role, motivational roles, and the role of promoting creativity and entrepreneurship in school are In this way, these categories were identified as the most critical roles of managers in improving the job performance of rural school teachers in Mashhad. The present research findings can be an introduction to more attention and understanding regarding the roles of managers in improving teachers' Performance in the current situation.


Main Subjects