Identifying, Analyzing And Ranking the most popular sources Of Curriculum Studies In Iran From The perspective Of Doctoral Students

Document Type : Multi methods


1 Department of Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Curriculum Studies Department, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



The purpose of the article is to identify,analyze and rank the most popular sources (translated and authored) in the field of curriculum studies at the moment.The research method was qualitative content analysis (inductive), Shannon entropy and TOPSIS methods.The research field the qualitative method was all experts and university faculty members in the field of curriculum studies in Iran. Participants were selected using available and snowball sampling and data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Finally, 15 participants were invited to interviews which reached the theoretical saturation limit. Then, using the method of thematic analysis, the data were coded and analyzed.The validity and reliability of the research was checked and confirmed based on reliability, transferability, generality and verifiability of the indicators.The statistical population of the Shannon entropy method and TOPSIS was the doctoral students of the Curriculum Studies Department of Tehran Universities, 112 people were selected based on the formula of sample size and answered the questionnaire through available sampling and researcher-made(structured) questionnaire tool. Finally, according to the obtained components extracted from the interviews with expert faculty members as well as the answers of doctoral students, analysis was done and the results were extracted.According to the obtained results,12 works were ranked.


Main Subjects